That Malibu sign
The city fathers and mothers of Malibu are feigning offense and outrage that someone dared to lampoon their purely gestural vote to declare themselves a “sanctuary city” with a road sign briefly posted on PCH below the sign marking the city limits, reading: “Official sanctuary city: Cheap Nannies and Gardeners Make Malibu Great! (Boyle Heights Not So Much).”
While I strongly oppose the actions of the ICE raiders, our friends in Malibu need to climb down from their high horse and lighten up. While the declaration of sanctuary may make their bleeding hearts feel better, it does little to protect the residents and only attracts ICE to harass their servants. You got punked; get over it.
Edgy humor trips just at the edge of a truth that makes us uncomfortable. Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor and everyone that followed know that. They also had a suggestion: “If you can’t take a joke. ..”
— Harvey Cordner, Pasadena
A sanctuary state
Over 10 million immigrants live and work in California. They are our family, our friends and our co-workers. In recent weeks federal agents have taken actions to detain and deport our law-abiding neighbors while tearing families apart.
The Legislature will vote on whether to create landmark protections for immigrant families living in California. Tell your senator to vote yes on the California Values Act. This bill will prevent state and local law enforcement from acting as federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to detain and deport immigrants; ensure state and local governments do not send data to the federal government for immigration purposes; make certain our schools, hospitals and courthouses remain accessible to all Californians.
This vote is going to be close. Stand with the League of Women Voters. We won’t stand for families being torn apart.
— Ellen Taylor, Claremont
Medicare vs. insurance
Adam Gorgoni asks (April 5), “How many current Medicare recipients . . . would trade it for health insurance in the private marketplace?” I would not trade Medicare for health insurance currently available in the California marketplace. Neither would I trade it for the state-run single-payer system he advocates.
According to the Medicare Trustees Report of 2016, the portion of the program that pays for seniors’ hospitalization will exhaust reserves by 2028. Those with supplementary sedical coverage will face hefty premium increases soon due to budgetary sleight-of-hand by the Democratic congressional majority when it adopted Obamacare.
The federal government has the ability to create money to cover its deficits. The state of California does not. The idea that a state-run bureaucracy will be more efficient than Medicare is laughable. About the only thing that can end the stranglehold of the Democrats in California is putting their hands on Medicare.
— Stuart Makagon, Whittier
Pausing a Pasadena hotel
In the article (April 5) describing the “pause” in the hotel project facing Pasadena City Hall, Councilmember Margaret McAustin said “at every stage, I’ve never been comfortable.” A few additional details about the project might explain her discomfort.
Besides the massive new subsidies being requested, the project provides no parking for the hotel in a crowded Civic Center. Valets would unload vehicles by standing right next to a busy traffic lane of Marengo Avenue. Because no loading areas have been planned, loading would be on Union Street only in the middle of the night, disturbing hotel guests and lowering the quality of the hotel.
Five Sister City trees and 30 others will be removed. The views and setting of City Hall in the nationally renowned Civic Center plan will be irreparably damaged by a six-story hotel on open space bought to provide the proper Garden City setting for the new City Hall in 1923. It is no surprise that thoughtful members of the council have been concerned about this project.
Go to for more information about this project. I hope the city’s new review of the project shows the YWCA can be converted to a public use that preserves the character of the Civic Center. Thanks to the City Council for taking this step.
— Darrell Cozen, Pasadena