Le Devoir |
«Irrécupérable»: prophétique Lenny Bruce
Le Devoir Lenny Bruce était-il seulement humoriste ou également prophète ? « Je me suis alors rendu compte que chaque groupe aimait tellement son candidat qu'il aurait vraiment fallu qu'il se disqualifie de manière évidente — par exemple, qu'il regarde la … |
Irrécupérable : la revanche du grand Lenny Bruce – Le Figaro
Le Figaro |
Irrécupérable : la revanche du grand Lenny Bruce
Le Figaro Dans l'idéal, il faudrait lire le livre à haute voix, en marchant dans la pièce, s'adresser à un public imaginaire. Lenny Bruce fut l'inventeur du stand-up. Ses Mémoires paraissent enfin en français. Il était temps. L'auteur suit l'ordre chronologique … |
“Stay true to your vision” – Writer, director and inventor of snowboarding’s rodeo flip York Shackleton – The 405
"Stay true to your vision" – Writer, director and inventor of snowboarding's rodeo flip York Shackleton
The 405 Before I was born, he was running around with Lenny Bruce, and Fonda, and Hopper and all those guys. He was working a lot with Lenny and writing a lot of that comedy with him, and was actually managing a lot of what they were doing in those shows. |
Kathy Griffin Revisits Controversy and How She’s Single-Handedly Relaunching Her Career – Broadway World
Chicago Tribune |
Kathy Griffin Revisits Controversy and How She's Single-Handedly Relaunching Her Career
Broadway World It's a comedy show," she said. "It's got some layers to it because there's some real (stuff) in there like I've never truly experienced. But don't worry. This is not Lenny Bruce reading his court transcripts. This is your good old hometown Kathy still … Kathy Griffin leans in: 'Laugh Your Head Off' is coming to Chicago … |
Hannah Gadsby Tackles #MeToo in Netflix Special Nanette | Time – TIME
Hannah Gadsby Tackles #MeToo in Netflix Special Nanette | Time
TIME Hannah Gadsby tackles issues like abuse, Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton in her one-hour special Nanette, which comes to Netflix on June 19. |
My Vinyl Countdown continues with best guitarist you never heard of – AL.com
AL.com |
My Vinyl Countdown continues with best guitarist you never heard of
AL.com And Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Lenny Bruce would certainly not be afraid., Buzzing on amphetamines,, he was driven by what:? By insecurity? Courage? Seeking attention? All of the above? He was relentlessly stepping up to the line and crossing over. |
The world needs another George Carlin – Toledo Blade
Toledo Blade |
The world needs another George Carlin
Toledo Blade Like his hero, Lenny Bruce, Carlin used stand-up as a vehicle for social criticism. And his criticism was as clear-eyed and incisive as any offered in the last 50 years. Read more by Will Tomer. In George Carlin's world, there were no sacred cows. He … |
There Is Nothing Good to Say About Off-Broadway’s ‘First Love’ – Observer
Observer |
There Is Nothing Good to Say About Off-Broadway's 'First Love'
Observer … a new off-Broadway debacle by the dreadful playwright Charles Mee at the Cherry Lane Theatre in Greenwich Village, two over-the-hill senior citizens discuss the good old days (“Ferlinghetti, Gandhi, Lenny Bruce, Kerouac, Patti Smith…where have all … |
Kathy Griffin brings her ‘Laugh Your Head Off’ tour to Providence – The Providence Journal
The Providence Journal |
Kathy Griffin brings her 'Laugh Your Head Off' tour to Providence
The Providence Journal The New York Times, in reviewing one of Griffin's early shows in Dublin last November, during which she fainted, compared her to Lenny Bruce during the mid-1960s. At the time Bruce was obsessed over his own battles with the government over obscenity, … Kathy Griffin on tour, that 'harmless' bloody Trump photo, her gripe with Kevin Hart Kathy Griffin Takes Shot at Kevin Hart for Not Going After Trump: 'That's a Pu**y Move Because He's a Black Man' |
Littérature. Lenny Bruce, le fer dans les plaies de l’Amérique – L’Humanité
L’Humanité |
Littérature. Lenny Bruce, le fer dans les plaies de l'Amérique
L’Humanité Ceux qui ont vu Lenny, le biopic crépusculaire que lui a consacré Bob Fosse, avec Dustin Hoffman dans le rôle-titre, savent que Lenny Bruce était un génie. Mal élevé, irrévérencieux, traquant l'hypocrisie dans les moindres recoins, il a choqué l … |