The Off-Broadway show I’m Not A Comedian, I’m Lenny Bruce at The Cutting Room in New York City was described as “spectacular” by Digital Journal, and rightfully so. Marmo is spell-binding as the late comedian Lenny Bruce, and he truly captures his conscience, and he simultaneously introduces his life story to a younger generation of fans and viewers that may be unfamiliar with Bruce’s work. Aside from being an actor, Marmo also showcases his chops as a playwright, since he wrote the play; moreover, Joe Mantegna served as the director. He has the audience with his every step of the way, as he immerses us into Lenny Bruce’s notorious world. He is not afraid to be raw, vulnerable and unfiltered, and he displays his wide range as an actor in this transformative and groundbreaking performance as Lenny Bruce. Thanks to popular demand, and critical success, I’m Not A Comedian, I’m Lenny Bruce has now been extended to January 25, 2019, at The Cutting Room. For more information on the play, check out its official homepage. Read More: Actor Ronnie Marmo chatted with Digital Journal about the play I’m Not A Comedian, I’m Lenny Bruce.
This opinion article was written by an independent writer. The opinions and views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily intended to reflect those of