An anticipated documentary chronicling the life of beloved author and Indianapolis native Kurt Vonnegut released a nearly three-minute trailer this week ahead of its Nov. 19 theatrical debut.
Planning by Vonnegut and director Robert Weide, known for his work as a principal director on the TV series “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and biographical documentaries on comedians Lenny Bruce and Woody Allen, for “Kurt Vonnegut: Unstuck in Time” began in 1982.
The trailer jumps from formal interviews to relaxed chats between Weide and Vonnegut across some 25 years before the author’s death in 2007, as well as archival footage, visual art scenes and clips from Vonnegut’s home movies. The film will be part biography, part ode to Weide and Vonnegut’s unlikely friendship.
More: A Kurt Vonnegut documentary more than 30 years in the making is heading to theaters
The film raised more than $300,000 in a 2015 crowdfunding campaign, with IFC acquiring its rights in November. A nine-minute clip was screened at a 2002 fundraiser for the Athenaeum Foundation.
“Unstuck in Time” will release just eight days after what would have been Vonnegut’s 99th birthday.
Rory Appleton is the pop culture reporter at IndyStar. Contact him at or follow him on Twitter at @RoryDoesPhonics.